Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday 19 MAy in Agra

This morning I went out to take a walk on teh small hill in front of the hotel. A lot of wild strawberries on teh path and the Lugano lake is very close by. But I don't know the name of the village we can see from the high hill. Actually there are 4 paths around teh hill and I will walk them all because I ahve time now. I saw Charlene and Charlie on teh way and they came over to ahve coffee at teh Pension after the walk. I really liek this area more than Bella Vista because Bella Vista ahs more houses. But teh view is still teh same. Yesterday I wet to San Salvadore on the Feniculaire. ANd this morning I look at the web site for the book Bloomability. I will get this book and the series of Ladies detectiv agency of Alexander McCall Smith.
ay be I can call Isabelle's teacher right now to see if she has a copy of that book. How about having teh book mailed to me here.

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