Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The promising roof and structure

Finally we decided to meet with Lilianne and Antoine to get going with the house. The address is Ave. Felix Eboue next to railroad track and the Guenin shop. Across teh street is the ecole de Chemin fer. It located right in the city and within the walking distance of my husband's SCLOG office.The quartier of the city is called Mpila. For now it look like a structure and a roof. The whole of windows are empty. They got all the windows ,doors and tiles imported from France but teh meterials are still stucked in Pointe Noire. There are no plane and train area to transport the stuff. This cause the delay in building. My husband forecast that the house might be finished end of February but the owner told us that they are shooting for Jan.15. Anyway, what matters to me is not only the actual house but the process of finding the house in this city. Finding an honest landlord who speak the same language meaning we can count on them from the basic dealing like showing up on time for an appointment is not easy here. Not to mention all the details of repairs and maintenance and many other aspect of running a house. Getting a reliable, dependable and honourable landlord is important for us as it is important for them to get a solid tenant. In this city where so much is up to Inshala - when God permit- there is not much one can control or count on. We have done the first step and that should relieve my husband a little about everything on his to do list. Finding the white landlord who show up at the appointment without asking us to pay for his taxi fare is considered already our luck and a big acheivement. The rest will have to play by ear. I have confidence in these guys not only because we can count on them but also I did talked and see the house he serviced before. The one of the South African Embassy for example. They use decent materials and response to tenant request with a team of competant workers , electricial and plumber. The Congolese will just give us approximate. Approximate time they will arrive, approximate time they will give that fix and this fixed some approximate last easily 6 months to a year.

My husband estimate that the house on Ave. Felix Eboue will be finished end February 2008. I forecast January 2008. No matter what date, in feng shui term, energy has moved , decision has been made and it is just a matter of time.

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